Train your pet rat to shoot hoops! This rat training instructional video demonstrates the steps you need to teach your pet rat this fun trick. All you need is a "basketball hoop", rat treats, a ping pong ball and an inquisitive pet rat.
As with all cute and cuddly creatures that you take home as a pet, the actual work part of the equation doesn't sink in until you find your first poop droppings and pee stains on the carpet.
Though rodents may have a bad reputation, a rat can make a great pet for kids. Rats need a good sized cage, lots of toys and regular trips to the vet to maintain their teeth and make sure they don't get sick. Follow these tips to keep your new pet happy and healthy!
In this tutorial, hosted by pet expert Marc Morrone, learn how to care for 'pocket pets' such as gerbils, hamsters and rats. Rodents and other small animals actually make fanstastic pets. In this clip you will learn all about them so that you choose the right one for you and take care of them properly.
In this tutorial, learn how to take care of pet ferrets. Ferrets make delightful, mischevious, furry pets and in this clip from expert, Marc Morrone, you will learn all about them and how to take care of them and introduce them into your family.
Guinea pigs are adorable. They are cuddlier than mice and easier to control than a dog, and for some families these little guys make the perfect in-between pet. Before you adopt one of these furry friends, check out this tutorial for all the advice you will need to care for it. In this pet video Marc Morrone will show you the best way to care for guinea pigs and find out why they make great pets.
Viewer be warned! This video series is not for the faint of heart! If you think you can handle the contents inside, then you're about to get an in depth lesson on the proper way to skin a squirrel. This three part video series will show you how to skin a squirrel.
Be careful before you set up that mouse trap! You might have a rodent problems you need to get rid of, but the last thing you want to do is lose your finger in the process. This video from Ask the Exterminator has all the instructional assistance you need to make sure you're doing it all the right way.
Mouse traps have come a long way from the simple coil that snaps down on the rodents. Make sure you're choosing the mouse trap that best suits your needs by watching this video from Ask the Exterminator. This video will show you how to find the best mouse trap for your needs.
Don't let all those pesky rodents overrun your house and ruin your home environment. A serious rodent infestation can be a major strain on even the most amazing homes. This video from Ask the Exterminator is full of helpful tips that will show you how to get rid of those rodents for good.
The best way to keep rats out is by making it difficult and unappealing for them to come inside. Keep your house clean and free of anything that a rat might want to eat. Rats can fit through very small opening so go on the defensive and keep rats where they belong.
A gerbil makes a great "starter pet" for a child. Gerbils are friendly, fun to watch, quiet, and clean little guys whose cages don't get smelly as fast as some animals'.You Will Need* A gerbil* A large wire cage or 20-gallon glass aquarium* Bedding* Gerbil food* Fresh greens and vegetables* A water bottle* Untreated wood blocks* Cardboard boxes, tubes, or flowerpots* An exercise wheel
It's not the best part of owning a pet, but somebody's gotta do it.You Will Need* An empty, dry bathtub* A large garbage bag* Paper towels or dishtowels* Dishwashing detergent or other mild soap* Clean bedding—aspen shavings, pelleted paper, or hay* And a dustpan and brush or vacuum cleaner* White vinegar
Have you ever raised hedgehogs? I'm raising a cute, great hedgehog. He is really cute. Today, I'm going to write about raising hedgehogs to inform to people who has difficulties on raising hedgehogs.
This will guide you when you don't know how to clean a Chinchilla cage. These little smooth, plushly furred rodents, native to the Andes mountains in South America, slightly larger than ground squirrels are often raised for their skins to make fur coats.WikiPedia:Chinchilla
Guinea pigs rarely need baths, but if your furry friend is dirty or oily, a quick wash is a good idea. He'll squeal in protest now, but he'll thank you later. Watch this Howcast video to learn how to bathe your guinea pig.
This Animal Welfare Foundation two-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a ferret.
This Animal Welfare Foundation two-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a guinea pig.
This Animal Welfare Foundation two-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a rat.
This Animal Welfare Foundation two-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a mouse.
This Animal Welfare Foundation two-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a hamster.
This Animal Welfare Foundation three-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a gerbil.
Mr. Baby Squirrel gets the ultimate spa treatment. Massaging a squirrel is a delicate process. Baby squirrels can benefit from some gentle petting. These are techniques for domesticating squirrels.
This trick is much harder to teach than the ones previously done a video for (spinning and walking on back legs), so apologies that the video is so long but it needs to be. You will need a lot of patience for this and may need to spend many training sessions on each step before moving on so that your rat can get used to the task at hand. If you move on too fast you will find that your rat will either ignore the glass altogether or at best put two front feet on it and just stare at the ball as...
Bats getting caught in houses is a regional problem. In general, bats are scared of humans, but they will bite when they feel cornered. The New York State Health Department produced this video to urge New Yorkers to avoid the risk of rabies and rabies treatment by capturing and submitting for laboratory testing any bat found in their home that may have come in contact with humans or pets.
A mouse in the house? Why not? Pet mice are cute, easy to care for, and fun to watch. You will need a wire cage or ten-gallon glass aquarium, aspen shavings, paper, or hay, rodent food, a water bottle, untreated wood blocks, paper towels, toys, an exercise wheel, and of course, a pet mouse. Find out how to care for a pet mouse by watching this video animal care tutorial.
This how-to video demonstrates an easy way to make a hanging sleeping tube for your pet rat or ferret. It's so easy, there's not sewing required; all you need is fleece and scissors. Watch this video pet care tutorial and learn how to make a hanging sleeping tube for a rat or a ferret.
This is a short video on how to make a simple fleece hammock for your pet rat, or ferret. All you need is a square, or rectangle piece of fleece, some scissors, and clips. Give your pet rat or ferret a bed by watching this video animal care tutorial and following along with the steps to make a hammock.
Watch this instructional video to teach a pet rat to walk on its back legs. When trying this, don't spend too long training the rat each day, 5 minutes a day is long enough and even at that they are clever enough to pick this up in a few days. This is important too to make sure they are not over-fed during training. Also, don't be in too much of a hurry to increase the step count, take time to get the rats used to the trick and it will make increasing the steps later easier and more stable....
This instructional pet video shows a good way to introduce your pet rats to water. However, it's important to understand that some pet rats will just not like water. Your success will vary depending on your individual critter(s). Watch this tutorial video to learn the best methods of approach.
This video is for everyone who is interested in this kind of breeding or just keeping rats as awesome pets. Mice and rats are often raised as food for snakes and reptiles, but can make fun and loving pets. This video pet care tutorial shows how to breed and raise rats, mice, and other rodents.
While squirrels are wild animals, they can still make great pets. People often take in abandoned baby squirrels, that can't live properly in the wild without the care of a mother. As squirrels are wild animals, they require a certain level of care as compared to domesticated animals. You will need food and water bowls, a weasel wheel, a cage, and a home or nest for sleeping. Watch this video pet-care tutorial and learn how to care for a pet Southern flying squirrel.
Squirrels are cute until they start causing damage to your home. This short video program helps you find answers to preventing squirrel damage. Watch this video animal care tutorial and learn how to control a squirrel problem.
Rats are intelligent pets and receptive to training just like other animals. Spinning around in circles is a simple trick to train a pet rat to do. Learn how to teach a pet rat to spin by watching this video pet training tutorial.
Check out this instructional video on how to properly clip your pet guinea pig's nails. If nail trimming is too difficult for you, local pet groomers and veterinarians can clip your guinea pig's nails for you.
Our expert, Laura Nessen, shows you how to create a holding tank for your hamster. Learn the right kind of hamster bedding to buy. Also, Laura gives you tips for finding accessories and toys for your hamster. So, take some time, and learn how to make your hamster as comfortable a possible.
Hamsters are great pets. They are sociable, and they do not demand a great deal of attention. However, before you go to the pet store to buy a hamster, you should know what to look for in selecting a healthy hamster. In this free video series, our expert tells you some tips for finding the right hamster for you.
Learn how to keep and clean these curious and energetic guys. Ferrets are an interesting and fun pet and the experts at Videojug have put together a great video on taking care of them.